Hey there, been studying hard? Well, take a break and have a look at the pics I've uploaded! Taken by May and I. =)
Sometime early this year:
Nearly time for tutorial!
Js, Hc and Rachel studying.. for the block tests? Haha. I also dunno.. forgot when this was taken. =P
Siti and Xinyu =)
After a math tutorial.
Maths Integration lecture.. Yes, yes, I know.. should've been listening.. I was! Only took a few moments to snap a pic. The first is one of my favourites. =P

Feb 17, Friday:
The day before my birthday. =)
Who's hand is that I wonder.. hmmm. And is that a ring?!
Flag Day:
Stickers stuck and ready to go!

Unsuspecting joanie.. 

Physics practical (or rather tutorial) last thursday:
(These were taken during the break btw) Heh.

While waiting for CT that same day:
No, Shawn is NOT holding incense sticks. 

Taadaa! Here it is Js.. see? I told you I'd post it.
But here's a nicer one! Heez.
Mun Foong hard at work. 
May-"Heh. I got this pic of RACHEL while wrestling with her. Seriously. I just wanna take a pic and she tried to manhandle me. :P But I won ! I got a shot of her admist the struggle. Muahahahaha." 
Looks like Rachel's calmed down.. Or maybe not.. (Rachel: *grumble grumble*) 
Ehhh.. How come can post 5 photos at once only two times? After that must upload one by one. V tiring. Anyways, the election results are finished and I'm sleepy! Night!
Nurul =^.^=
Oh! Btw..