Would have taken more pics but the batt went dead..
It's so sad that we lost. But what's worse is that in the final game when our team was losing and most needed our support, some people simply stopped cheering. I guess they cheer only winners and not losers. Sheesh.
Nurul =^.^=
NUBEE ! thanks for posting the pics. muacks !! though i look hideous in one of them... =/
17/5/06 7:33 PM
haha. welcome dar. hmmm.. ur comment just begs me to say: just one?
17/5/06 8:17 PM
Lost. I guess it was expected. Heh. Oh well... It was just too bad I wasn't there to perform some Battle Meditation to turn the tides... Can't even help myself already... Argh... Still so sick...hope I can return to school tmr... Lagging loads behind...
18/5/06 10:55 AM
take care man
18/5/06 3:20 PM
yeah, get well soon Shawn! =)
18/5/06 7:14 PM
i look scary in ALL of them lah! =( YEEEEE. cant help puking at my own picz.
18/5/06 10:56 PM
Thank you...ZhongWei & May..? *lol* fu chang fu sui ah..? *lol* jK jK... but thanks, really... and thank the Force I'm feeling much better already... =)
19/5/06 7:07 PM
thanks Force! =P
20/5/06 8:16 AM
hey.. nurul.. why some pics are small small de.. hmmm next time then get from u the original =D
Anyway thanks for the photos!
-the sith follwer
21/5/06 3:16 PM
The Jedi Order will protect the photos at all cost...the SITH will NEVER get hold of it... NEVER..!!
21/5/06 7:35 PM
oh js,cos they're edited. must cut some parts out u see. =P
21/5/06 9:57 PM
the parts like when i bully huichiet? =X
22/5/06 6:56 PM
nah... the jedi is too weak now to meddle with the affairs of the dark force.. May the passion serve u well darth narwth..
on a note.. km!! u bully hC isit!
22/5/06 9:35 PM
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