Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mathematics Papers

blog not tt alive and kicking nowadays, must be u ppl mugging for blocktest. anyways realised that nyjc webby a bit slow these days, especially the maths prelim papers quite hard to download cos of the miserable rate..anyways i dled all the papers and zipped them already. so think upload them for everyone better definitely faster than nyjc maths webby.. here goes
Mathematics Prelim Papers
dl it asap because yousendit will remove the link 7days from now.

on other news ..i heard this from some lower secondary school boys most probably were argueing..
A,"u trying to trick me isit? i'm not born yesterday"
B,"means u born today?"

err bleahh..-.-



Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you !

9/3/06 6:47 PM


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