Nov babies!!!
A level is over le..
For those who are able to make it for the birthday bash.. *cheers*
Anf for those who cannot make it on that day.. *enjoy*
*Disclaimer: all the words are designed speeches and are all made up. Believe at your own risk.

the illegal gathering..



hmmm finally delicious and yummy cake..
(history: this cake was bought by shawn and valmond before they join us =P)

yw: "may my fire grow bigGER!! then i can bully nvmlahzZz"
km: "i want pineapple.. the big ong ong!! =x *blush* "
mf: "i not greedy la.. i just want to have 3 wishes.."

both:hahaha... not funny.. -_-''

WeNsX: haha.. i got knife.. i poke who who bully me..

wl: uncle.. two more plates of chicken rice no chicken..
val: bu hao xiao..

yw: 1+2+2+2=?
mf: *pose*

All: Better take nicer picture ah.. or else..

ehh.. we see the steam.. but where's the boat?
will post more photos later.. gtg.. =)
OH DEAR! so that was what i'm thinking.... oh my god! superstar!
24/11/06 10:20 PM
but thanks for the picz!
24/11/06 10:22 PM
comment!! =X
26/11/06 12:18 AM
What's so nice to comment? We see the pic. We acknowledge them. Like it or not...well...sometimes, we just keep it to ourselves. Why? Coz...often, it's not nice. Why? Because we are EATING and not POSING for the camera when you guys took it. Natural, true, but ugly. VERY ugly. And what shld we do? Make a fuss of it? Of course not. You made effort to take and upload and stuffs. So..? We just accept it humbly...and a form of respect to what you've done. We cannot say thank you, as the photos are often ugly. HAH. But of course, we appreciate your effort. And hence we kept mum.
...and I'm camera shy naturally. So, I dun like to comment on photos. I just look silly in photos. =/
26/11/06 12:23 AM
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