Teachers day 2006
Hee.. here's a post from the IT rep.. these are some of the photos taken during teachers day celebrations. If u want a bigger picture... pls visit
Click here!!
*Disclaimer: all the words are designed speeches and are all made up. Believe at your own risk.

welcome welcome.. =)

Did i electric u with my smile? See.. i got power.. (P=I^2R)

"aiyo... why like tat..."

Say... chessywen

"later u all get it from me..."

wats this... a ...?


err... wat do u call?

mind u!!


go go Power rangers!


SMile =D

now u see him...

now u dun!!

the lost mafia back in town?
the last photo is damnnnnn funny..
1/9/06 10:13 PM
i think mr ho looks super shuai!!
and the mr loke and tommy lee boxers photo is oso darn funnie lor...
but the best of all, i love mr yee's photos lor!! and i love the captions js! unlike what i expected, they were actually funny!
haha, thank you!
2/9/06 2:27 AM
and...i can't believe fuquan actually went 2 school...
2/9/06 2:38 AM
haha the munfoong foto looks so funny..haha
2/9/06 12:14 PM
hahaha. yeah ! mr ho looks handome!
i love mr yee's tie.
thanks js..
2/9/06 12:29 PM
heee hee, my yee has great fashion sense=) and mr ho looks nicee!
2/9/06 6:38 PM
to rachel: i like the captions too =X
to all: welcome welcome =D
Study hard.. rest well
2/9/06 8:47 PM
eh.. jS.. it's me that took most of the teachers' photos lo.. -.-
2/9/06 9:40 PM
haha,, u take.. i take.. the same la.. haha..
2/9/06 9:42 PM
wow.. the same leh..
so fast 2 union into 1 le
2/9/06 10:43 PM
thanks ah hui=)
3/9/06 11:24 AM
how on earth did you come up with the idea of buying boxers shorts for the teachers? that's interesting... nex time i need help to zheng teacher muz find u all right? though my teacher said he felt psychologically full when he saw the 'special' carrot cake that my frens and i had prepared for him... :p
the photos are damn interesting lah... u've done a great job in taking them... that ern ai couple.. haha....
3/9/06 10:23 PM
JS!!!!!!!!!!!!! u better take my picture down..u very bad lor..took it while i was talking n laughing!!!i hate u!!! =(
i cry then u know!!!
5/9/06 1:50 PM
no lah munfoong.ist another side of u ma.quite cute oso wat.dun find it so bad lah..haha
5/9/06 9:45 PM
the zw comment abt chiet n js is so -_-"'
get off maths and physics for once lar zw...
haha, js...seems like u made another enemy! munfoong, kill him! though i have to admit, the photo was damn funnie lar...^^
7/9/06 5:21 AM
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