Monday, March 27, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Fun Game To Play! (EDITED)
this is the main website, just head over there and click on resume.
people, it's after block test now.can relax a bit le. recently i found this found game!
so fun tt i must share! haha!
the webby is a quiz lai de.dun thnik that the page din load, it will only show up with4 words.
Level 1: All's White
this is the hint lor. All's White is the hint to get to the next level. u must make use of the hint, find e word, then change ur url so tt u be able to get to level 2.
eg. change into <== whatithinkistheanswer , the exact word, can be found, most times don't have to derive it frmo the hint. Have Fun! Can ask for help as well. im stuck at level 11 now. Zhongwei
Friday, March 24, 2006
Mr Ng's Photos!
here are the much awaited photos of mr ng with other people and other people, ie 本小姐 by 本小姐:

blogger is 白痴 wan lor...onli can post 5 photos at one go...den summore after post liao de photos not in order one...muz manual shuffle -_-"" ! blogger, i hate u!!
being the nice girl that i am, i shall still post the details of speech:
mr ng: "ok arh, u all muz work very hard arh, u all muz make sure arh, next year arh, when i see the result arh, u all muz be the value added no.1 ok? do yourself proud and do the school proud, and always muz remember me la!" (realise lyk got alot of arh rite?)
oh, and in de boliao talk afterwards, he say he stay in melbourne and he say if u go australia next tym he will bring u ard (dunno whether really not lor...*skeptical look*). he oso say if u have problems can send him email his email lar!! but he is (realise i use "is" hor) evil lor, he say it will probably take him 3 mths to answer! summore still say when he have time den reply us...-_-"' (teachers are all evil lor...)
den ltr we ask him sing song, den he use shawn's cocktail to zhuang dan. after he drunk (on de small test-tube) liao den he sang song lor :"最后的疼爱是手放开..." den do his usual 忘词 ting lor...(mr ng, 请多多加油, 不要再忘词了!!) den summore talking. mr ng : "teachers come and go, friends stay forever...blahblahblah...(and this one, classic man!) no bad teachers, only lazy students -_-"' "
haha...dats about all for dis small farewell "party" lor...
加油 mr ng!! 我们永远支持你! we will always miss u 的! achieve your dreams and come back as dr. ng!!
P.S. blogger is really stupid wan lei!! i wan 2 post liao den say de connection gt problem!! blogger, i really hate u now!! 我恨你!!
P.P.S if anyone noes how 2 upload videos tell me k? den i can upload videos of mr ng...
Monday, March 20, 2006
IMPT: one day before chem block test! TIP TIP!!
faster read! one day before chem block test:
mr ng wishes to inform all that he will give a tip as a farewell gift for us for chem block test! (*yay! smiles in glee!*)
sleep early -_-"'
(space here for one n all to start shivering/bash head on table/bash table)
his ___.....___ (leave you to insert word) tip is an invititation for all to give him a bash in the head.
P.S. i'm sorry js, he wins hands down in lameness dis time...brrr...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Mathematics Papers
blog not tt alive and kicking nowadays, must be u ppl mugging for blocktest. anyways realised that nyjc webby a bit slow these days, especially the maths prelim papers quite hard to download cos of the miserable rate..anyways i dled all the papers and zipped them already. so think upload them for everyone better definitely faster than nyjc maths webby.. here goes
Mathematics Prelim Papers
dl it asap because yousendit will remove the link 7days from now.
on other news ..i heard this from some lower secondary school boys most probably were argueing..
A,"u trying to trick me isit? i'm not born yesterday"
B,"means u born today?"
err bleahh..-.-