Nov babies!!!
A level is over le..
For those who are able to make it for the birthday bash.. *cheers*
Anf for those who cannot make it on that day.. *enjoy*
*Disclaimer: all the words are designed speeches and are all made up. Believe at your own risk.

the illegal gathering..



hmmm finally delicious and yummy cake..
(history: this cake was bought by shawn and valmond before they join us =P)

yw: "may my fire grow bigGER!! then i can bully nvmlahzZz"
km: "i want pineapple.. the big ong ong!! =x *blush* "
mf: "i not greedy la.. i just want to have 3 wishes.."

both:hahaha... not funny.. -_-''

WeNsX: haha.. i got knife.. i poke who who bully me..

wl: uncle.. two more plates of chicken rice no chicken..
val: bu hao xiao..

yw: 1+2+2+2=?
mf: *pose*

All: Better take nicer picture ah.. or else..

ehh.. we see the steam.. but where's the boat?
will post more photos later.. gtg.. =)