stress relievers!
Its been another boring day for me, and for everyone else too, I suppose. So I shall do all my dearest friends a favor! Promos coming? No fear! I shall pen down my list of stress relievers. For what, do I hear you say? FOR RELIEVING STRESS, DUH!
1. Make sarcastic comments about everything.
2. Scream. (Hope that your irritating neighbour gets the benefit of all your screams.)
3. Scold everybody you can find. (If you happen to make any of them cry or upset, pass them this set of stress relievers too.)
4. Bang HARD on the table.
5. Hit your head.
6. Kick the wall. (Punching is also another alternative.)
7. Pinch yourself. (Or biting, whichever you prefer.)
8. Sleep.
9. Cry. (Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.)
10. Pray.
11. Sing. (Loudly. You will realise that if you manage to irritate the rest of the people around you, you will relieve stress more effectively. However, I just can't seem to irritate the people around me when I sing. Hmmm, do I sing too well? *applause! standing ovation!* Thank you! Thank you!)
12. Bang the door. (Bang your front door for the best effect. It scares all your neighbours.)
13. Draw. (Using a pencil please. Trees are scarce. If you are stressed again the next time, you can always erase the previous drawing and draw again.)
14. Play any kind of intrument. (Drums would be the most ideal. You get to relieve stress AND irritate all your family members AND neighbours. What do they call this in chinese? Ahh, I remember. 一石二鸟。一举两得。一箭双雕。anymore?)
15. Talking to ME! (this is the best. trust me. i always talk to myself. surely i know best?)
All the above stress relievers are for recreational purpose only. If you decide to use these methods and the unfortunate happens, I will not bear any responsibilty for any sustained injuries OR pay any compensation for any properties or objects damaged in the process.
Despite the fact that there are alot of stress relievers which include irritating family members, friends and neighbours, rest assured that I do not treat them as such. Just in case any of you are wondering, I have very nice neighbours and friends too, thank you.
Loving all (or in loving memory of those who perish in using any of the above methods),
Your dearest stress reliever,
This is Sith propaganda you Sith scum..!
Note to all: Besides point 8, 11, 13 and 14, please do not try any others! Seriously, this entry is totally a Dark Side propaganda is should not be on our blog..!
Point 1: Making sarcastic remarks ain't going to make things any better. What stress can it reduce? If you meet someone who can make even better sarcastic remarks, back on you, you'll feel WORSE.
Point 2: Screaming every now and then can grant you a free entry to the notorious Woodbridge Mental Hospital. If not, any neighbourhood police post.
Point 3: Scolding is worse than sarcastic remarks. It is not something you shld do. Trait of the Dark Side.
Point 4, 5, 6, 7: Self-torture. You think torturing yourself is going to make things better? Of coz NOT. Now that you're stressed, you abuse yourself physically, you're going to be tire out both mentally and physically..!
Point 8: It might be a good way to reduce stress atm. But it cannot last.
Point 9: Crying, although it has no adverse effect, and yeah you can do it once in a while, but don't do it too frequently. The Sith might say that you're weak. After crying, please get into the right state. Don't live a life in tears.
Point 10: Praying, works for some. But I do not believe, so it doesn't work for me. Perhaps you can try. I'll recommand making a trip down to Dagobah and look for Master Yoda. That will solve more things. *winks*
Point 12: Banging the door is gona hurt. Don't torture yourself, or any other living AND non-living things. And it will not do any good.
Point 15: This is the worsT of the lot..! Talking to a person embracing the Dark Side is going to make you path yourself towards the Dark Side...and you're going to suffer.
Anyway, destroying things and torturing yourself or others just to 'reduce stress'(and it doesn't) is a trait of the Dark Side). We shld find more peaceful matters to solve things.
May the Force be with you...
11/9/05 10:32 AM
so funny la..
okok, steady.. Clear throat..
11/9/05 9:44 PM
haha. rach. that's FUNNY.
but i'm already doing those things. =X
11/9/05 11:54 PM
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