Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It seems like eVeryOne is bUsY excePt fOr *cHem rEp*~

wEll, eVerYoNe seemed tO bE vErY bUsy.. eXcEpt fOr me.... eRm... ok... tests are just oVer... chEer uP, eVerYoNe... :) bUt tHerE is nO fUll sTop fOr incoming teSts at thiS mOment... dOn wOrrY... maY tHe fOrce bE wItH uS~!

:)*cHem Rep*:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come everybody like to say may the force be with us? have u guys ever heard of a qn that involves this? it goes like this:
Q: what would work done say to distance?
A: may the force be with you....

17/5/05 2:06 PM


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