Saturday, May 28, 2005

gd day!

wow., today has been a gd day for me....although it started off badly...

i had to wake up early just now cause i had to renew my passport, made me miss my SAT MORNIN CARTOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

darn...anyway...after tt, me my mom, my sis and my cousins ate some food.. nice....den we went shoppin....ya not my cup of tea...butttttttt.....
being the typical me.... i went to the toys section.....wahhhhhhhh..... damn nice man.....
i think i went to taka jus now....cant remember...but the toys ..oh man..theyr soo cool!!!

i saw this ultraman figure...$1oo plus, damn nice, so!, but cannot buy cos no money... ya den i saw this $39:90 pikachu gosh!!!! so damn cute....the moment u squeeze its palm, its head will sway left-right-left-right....den gt song somemore...haha....ya damn cute...astroboys figurine is also damn cool....but the best part was the starwars part....i saw this light saber.....exactly like the original one(anakin and darthvader) ...cost $ it was damn cool man....haha....

after tt...we went to the air port and ate ice cream at swenson...nice...made me soo full....

den we went to queensway... i bought a new pair of sneakers!!!!!!!!! whoooo..soo nice....!!!!
love it!!!! ya..gonna wear it during the u guys look out for it if u haha....

den we went home of course....haha...ya....feelin hungry again....hvnt study.....sian...studyin makes me feel so sian.....but better eat first.....den maybe study later or may be not....but i noe ill watch anime tonight...GTO(great teacher onizuka) whoooo!!!! cya guys later yeah! ja!!!!

shariff ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha anime lover too?

28/5/05 8:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay!! me 2!! X)

28/5/05 10:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lightsaber going at that price, I'm sure it'll be swooped before you can even blink ya eye... A while back, it was going at $229.90. Still too cheap, it is... A lightsaber is priceless...

29/5/05 12:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what anime u all watch? i watched Prince of Tennis, Naruto .. ehh lidat only bah.. any maybe u can count pokemon.. but tts ages ago..

29/5/05 1:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

what anime u all watch? i watched Prince of Tennis, Naruto .. ehh lidat only bah.. any maybe u can count pokemon.. but tts ages ago.. " tt was what i said, 4got leave name behnd

29/5/05 1:11 AM

Blogger Rachel said... bro hav de de hilt abit fake...hmmm...wad i watch arh...pot, bleach, naruto, aishiteruze baby, ehhh...smting lyk dat lar...hee...

29/5/05 5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. yea right.. there won't be a real lightsaber selling in this world... hehe.. if there is.. i will not be staying in this world.. i would be in somewhere in the galaxy... 'fizzing' someone... hahaha... :)

29/5/05 7:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh.. Naruto is cool! so is pot..but bleach nice meh?? heard good comments but watched 1st episode sian liao.. not like pot and naruto.. 1st episdoe so intereseting...

29/5/05 11:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't seen a true lightsaber because it haven't been invented...yet... But I'm sure, it will be... One day... It will be... Perhaps you and I won't be around to see it happen, but I'm sure it will be... One, who denies an existance of a thing just because he/she haven't seen called a fool... Only the Sith deal with extremes... *shakes head*

30/5/05 12:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh right. Another thing. Lightsabers are not SOLD, they are CONSTRUCTED. Every lightsaber is unique to its user and maker, not customer and seller...

It pains me to see one insult the art of lightsaber to such an extend, to say that lightsabers are made and sold as goods... *sigh* Sorry, pain shouldn't be a word I should use... Apologies...

*shakes head again, harder*

30/5/05 12:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh btw pot u watched unsubbed versions? cos the fansub come out damn slow lor... duno how many months liao now onyl at episdoe thing got new grp subbing from 160 onwards..

30/5/05 2:38 PM


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