Things to do when you are feeling BOLIAO:
1) race ppl to their bus stops and then yell happily: "I win! I WIN! YOU LOSE!!! ha.ha.ha!"
2) call ppl 'old man', 'doggies' and 'that thing'
3) ring ppl up in the middle of the night and then ask them "wat are you doing?"
4) gather ppl to show them screen shots of your game(eg.maple)
5) invite ppl to MSN mass chat then leave
6) eat our cats' food
7) try to trip strangers at bus stops
8) scare little kids
9) smile dumbly at teachers while they drone on
10) type boliao stuff on the class blog like the above
Still feeling boliao??????????????????????
go play this game and it'll smack all the boliao-ness off. haha.
r u kaiming? lol!
28/7/05 3:18 PM
we are the annoymous......
28/7/05 3:22 PM
u're really boliao if u do these things...
28/7/05 3:48 PM
yes, we are.
the anonymous.
28/7/05 5:48 PM
sounds so kaiming..
1) race ppl to their bus stops and then yell happily: "I win! I WIN! YOU LOSE!!! ha.ha.ha!"
2) call ppl 'old man', 'doggies' and 'that thing'
5) invite ppl to MSN mass chat then leave
28/7/05 9:03 PM comments......haahahahahha.... but can be anybody lorh.....
28/7/05 10:06 PM
i guarantee is js one....confirm haha!!
30/7/05 12:14 AM
not me.. always say is me de =(
30/7/05 11:43 PM
beat e record of 1.40! haha...
2/8/05 7:23 PM
who is the one sayin the beat the record?... muz be nurulFUDDIN rite??
3/8/05 9:19 PM
whatever km! Haha.. isn't it Shariffumay now? must be behind times..
3/8/05 9:24 PM
oh ya..........budden SOMEBODY will be angry lea....... the somebody is may.....=)
3/8/05 9:26 PM
Haha...ok lah. Wat abt me? waahh... u dun care i angry rt? whine, whine n more whines..
3/8/05 9:29 PM
nurulFUDDIN. dun talk so much lahz. *lets huddle* ;-)
4/8/05 12:05 AM
okies! let's all huddle! it's a cold cold nite.. btw it's nurulHUDA
4/8/05 12:14 AM
*huddling in the corner* anyone wanna join? hehe
4/8/05 12:21 AM
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